Principal Newsletter 23-24 Term 5

Dear Families
As is always the case at this point in the academic calendar, we have been working hard to support our Year 11s as they begin their examinations. I am very grateful to our teaching staff who have gone above and beyond to support students with their coursework and final preparations. I also extend my thanks to the dedication of our colleagues from the wider GAT family who have been working to support us in this team effort. A special thanks to our Year 11 families for your continued support in ensuring our students are fully prepared.
Special Guest Speaker: Mr Simon Massarella OBE
We were honoured to host Mr Simon Massarella OBE, who presented an inspiring talk to our students about the legal system in the UK. Many of the students that attended the session expressed a keen interest in pursuing a career in law, so it was a wonderful opportunity for them to learn about Mr Massarella's experience. We are excited about the possibility of a trip to the courts in the summer term and look forward to strengthening our relationship with Mr Massarella, especially as he serves as Trustee to Greenwood Academies Trust.
Community litter pick
Mrs Aveyard and I had a wonderful time getting out into our local community with students from Years 7 to 10 as part of our community litter pick. Their actions reflect our value of integrity and it is a privilege to see our students making such a positive impact in our local community. We look forward to finding more ways to support our part of the city.
Visits from Senior Leaders
This term, we hosted several visits from senior leaders across the country who came to observe the excellent work being done at The Wells Academy. It was a pleasure to showcase the outstanding achievements within each faculty area and I have been immensely proud to share the high standards in our lessons.
Curriculum Development
Curriculum and subject leaders have been working hard to refine and develop the curriculum for our students. During this term, we have begun work on our Fundamental Ideas curriculum. This project is part of our objective to develop an ambitious and inclusive knowledge-rich curriculum. We can't wait to share more information with students in families later in the year. In the meantime, more information can be found on the curriculum pages of our website.
Don't be late, Grab and Go on the Gate!
Our commitment to ensuring a great start to the day for our students continues with our breakfast club, open every single day from 8am. We have also developed the 'Grab and Go on the Gate' initiative, encouraging students to have a snack and arrive on time for their line up at 8.30am. I'd like to express a special thanks to the local charity Epic Partners for their support in this project.
ThinkForward Ambassadors
Our ThinkForward Ambassadors have had another busy term with careers trips and the start of their career mentoring sessions. I was particularly proud of our Year 9 students who pitched a social action project focused on raising awareness about mental health. I look forward to seeing their project come to fruition later in the summer term!
Athletics competitions
It has been another fantastic term for our PE department. Students from Wells have represented the academy admirably in both city athletics championships and other sporting competitions, competing alongside fellow Greenwood Academies Trust academies. I can't wait to see students shine in our Sports Day planned for the summer term - watch this space!
In our drive to support all students with reading, we issued every Wells student with reading rulers. These are being used effectively during morning reading time and in lessons, helping students to develop reading fluency and comprehension while raising the profile of reading across the academy.
Science visitors and Biology Challenge
Our science faculty had an exciting term, hosting visitors from Charnwood Molecular who introduced students to the drug development process in the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, a significant number of Year 10 students have opted to participate in the Royal Society of Biology's Biology Challenge. Their ambition, supported by our dedicated science team, is a testament to our core value of ambition!
Perfect Uniform
We are immensely proud of how smart our students look and the fact that they wear our uniform with pride. After half term, I will be writing to all families about two small changes we are making to our expectations. One of those expectations will be the introduction of a Wells Academy skirt, as pictured below. From September, this will be only skirt that students may wear. In the meantime, students choosing to wear a skirt must ensure it is down to the knee.
Return to academy arrangements
Please remember, the academy returns on Monday 3rd June 2024 for our final term of the academic year. As always, the academy gates open at 8.20am and students must be in their line up by 8.30am. Students arriving after 8.30am are considered late.
I wish you all a lovely break!
Best wishes
Mr G Coles